It’s a word mentioned in precisely two verses of scripture, and has no real consequence to anyone’s salvation. In fact, you’d probably find a large number of Mormons don’t really even know what it is–though most have heard of it before. Kolob is something that Mormons never really even talk about. There are many, many people who seem to spend most of their time trying to break the faith of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. So What’s the Big Fuss With Kolob All About? I don’t know, and Mormon theology doesn’t weigh in on that topic either.

That begs the question of where the dead are who have gone on before us. Mormon theology does not claim any specific location for where God dwells right now while we are here on Earth, but it does say where heaven will be–right here on Earth.Īfter Christ comes again and after the final judgment, the Earth will be perfected and heaven will be right here on the Earth. So what is Kolob and what does it mean in Mormon theology? From the scripture, it sounds like it’s a portion of the heavens that is near to God’s throne.Īnd where is God’s throne, you ask? Is it in fact on a strange planet far, far away? I don’t know, and Mormon theology doesn’t claim to know either. Personally, I really don’t see anything strange about that at all. That’s it! That’s really all we know about Kolob, and that’s what the fuss is all about. But there is a scripture that gives us a clue.Ībraham 3:3 reads “And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God…” Verse 9 in the same chapter adds that “Kolob is set nigh unto the throne of God.” God obviously isn’t here on the Earth walking among us, so where is he? Frankly, I don’t know–and I have been a Mormon my entire life. That’s entirely incorrect according to Mormon theology, but more importantly, there is a lot to be learned about Mormon beliefs by understanding this principle. The Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon” and several prime-time television shows over the last few years have done their best to make fun of the Mormon belief that God lives on a planet far, far away, named Kolob.