this is for one thing only - conquering castles/towns with minimal losses, which leads to silly XP gains, silly renown, and reshaping the world for the lulz. the power gaming INT build with 14 in skills (surgery, engineering, first aid, tactics etc), 12 STR/12 AGI, any spare into CHR. 2-handed with 4 power strike is plenty as a back up, you're a killing machine, pretty much unstoppable bar a silly amount of crossbowmen/huscarls or archers all aiming at you you reach level 27-30 in record time due to the sheer number of kills you get, proficiency will hit 300+ even with low end of weapon master. probably the most OP combat build, combine it with inventory arrows if 90 in a field battle isn't enough. horse archer/foot archer character with 30 str/15 agi, 10 power draw, 5 horse archery, 5 riding, 4 ironflesh, 4 power strike etc. but again, the main drawback here is actually getting the troops can be a very good earner, though - the slaver troop line will net you some nice prisoners, sword sisters are very versatile troops and relatively cheap also. you also don't get any land and can't improve relations that well. it's fun, but you're relying a lot on freed prisoners to replenish troops. not really a 'build' as much, more a specific 'army selection' that be used on any build. merc playthrough using sword sisters/slaver chiefs etc.

if being stuck at 70-90 troops is your usual army size, leadership lets you run 120 with absolute ease, and 150 with a bit of effort and management. outfitting your companions in full plate has never been easier, and if you need troops, you can just buy them hire 50 hired blades and 50 merc cavalry and laugh as the AI wastes it's troops against them (and your undead companions) while your actual elite troops are safely garrisoned at home. very underrated build IMO, high leadership's wage reduction synergies very well with selling prisoners (i found 5 or 6 in prisoner management to be a nice sweet spot, but you can push it to 9 if you want obviously) - you're absolutely rolling in dough.

the 27 CHR, 12 STR, 12 AGI, rest in INT build aka charisma commander. The last few characters (+ reviews) have been: build recommendations are very welcome, even more-so if you have the patience to make it through the wall of text below So it's that time again - get bored after 3/4/500/etc day and start a new character.